HCG weight loss has been a very popular subject of discussion lately - ever since the scientific community discovered its useful properties, many products appeared on the market claiming to make the most out of what HCG offers. But for many people, the most important question remains unsolved - does HCG really work for losing weight, or is it just a placebo effect? To fully understand how HCG manages to help you lose weight, you must first learn some background information about it.
HCG stands for "human chorionic gonadotrophin", and it is a special type of glycoprotein hormone which female humans produce during their pregnancy. Its purpose is to protect the developing fetus from a variety of factors, and it achieves this by controlling the balance of various chemicals around it. One of the effects from the alteration of this chemical balance is that the fetus improves its ability to consume abnormal adipose deposits. Through experimentation, it was discovered that the same effect, when utilized on an adult, causes the body to use fat cells with a stronger "preference" as opposed to lean mass cells when burning calories.
This alone may not make much of a change for those who are not leading active lives - but if you frequently exercise, you will definitely notice a huge improvement in your performance - since you'll be burning a higher percentage of fat cells than usual, an arbitrary duration of exercising will produce better results when using HCG as opposed to when you're not. On the other hand, somebody leading a sedentary lifestyle will probably notice next to no improvement - since such a person would not be burning any large number of calories on a daily basis to begin with, an increase in the percentage of fat calories burned won't make much of a difference.